• Language: English
  • 01335 210853
  • Mon - Thurs: 9:00 – 17:00 | Fri: 9:00 – 16:00

Get Started: New member

Dairy Pro New Member

Becoming a member of Dairy Pro makes learning easy by creating an official, permanent online record of all your training and development.

It’s a great way to build a good reputation for you and your business with customers, assurance schemes, banks, landlords or potential employers, and formally recognises your commitment to learning.

Dairy Pro is open to all who are employed directly on a farm, who work within the dairy industry in some capacity, or who are studying an agriculture or related land-based subject with ambition to work in the dairy industry. An outline of both Individual and Business memberships are below.

Individual membership categories

Dairy farmer or person employed directly within the dairy industry
Dairy industry third party workers, e.g. distributor/trade, managers, consultants and other interested parties
A student of agriculture or related land-based subject.

To join as an Individual Member of Dairy Pro, click here or for more information, contact the team on dairypro@basis-reg.co.uk or call us on 01335 210853.

Register Now

Take it to the next level with a Business membership!

Dairy Pro offers two types of Business membership to suit your needs.

  • With the Single Business Membership, a participating business become a member in its own right.
    Click here for more information and how to register
  • Registering as a Linked Business Membership works by registering your business then linking individual Dairy Pro members who are employees or partners of that business to its profile.
    Click here for more information and how to register