version 1.0.2
{{md.selected_professional_group.business_name}} Group Portal
Welcome {{md.selected_professional_group_user.firstname}} {{md.selected_professional_group_user.lastname}}
{{m.person.forename}} {{m.person.surname}}
{{m.professional_profile.professional_years[md.selected_prof_year_index].points_total}} points
{{m.person.forename}} {{m.person.surname}}
{{m.professional_profile.professional_years[md.selected_prof_year_index].points_total}} points + -
Group Members without Points
{{m.forename}} {{m.surname}}
0 points
{{m.forename}} {{m.surname}}
0 points

Membership Type: {{md.selected_professional_group.membership_type}}
Found {{md.sub_groups.length}} sub groups:
There are currently no sub groups.
Please select those members who attended:
Select All
What type of event are you submitting?
Event not listed? Please check and try another or more specific search term
If you can't find an event above you may manually enter details here
Please enter details for your event below:
Event Date & Time
Did you know that you can use the BASIS Dairy Pro Mobile App to automatically register and verify your attendance at an event just by letting it check your location.
Publication Date
Current Accreditations
The different accreditations are listed below. You can click on an accreditation to see more information.
{{}} | {{prof_acc.accreditation1.code}}
{{prof_acc.date_certified | date:'dd.MM.yy'}}
Awaiting Certification
{{}} | {{md.selected_accreditation.accreditation1.code}}
{{md.selected_accreditation.date_certified | date:'dd.MM.yy'}}
Awaiting Certification
The different standards are listed below. You can click on the icon keyboard_arrow_down to see more details such as the requirements and the evidences.
help_outlineLearn more about status
Gudie to icons for the standard status:
check_circle Valid - The standard has evidence and they are all valid
check_circle Warning - The standard has valid evidences but at least one of them is about to expire
highlight_off Invalid - The standard doesn't have any evidences or at least one of them has expired
Guide to icons for evidence status:
check_circle Valid - The evidence is valid
check_circle Warning - The evidence is about to expire
highlight_off Invalid - The evidence validity has expired
infoShowing {{evidences.length}} items
You currently do not have any evidence against this standard