• Language: English
  • 01335 210853
  • Mon - Thurs: 9:00 – 17:00 | Fri: 9:00 – 16:00

Quick Access to the industry's one-stop-shop for training & development.

Welcome to BASIS Dairy Pro

Learning is linked to improved motivation, greater productivity and better business success.

BASIS Dairy Pro is designed to make access to learning easy - from suggesting training and events to attend, online courses to take part in or journals to read…to keeping a record of all your development activities in one, web-accessible place.

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Milk Maid

Becoming a member of BASIS Dairy Pro makes learning easy by creating an official, permanent online record of all your training and development. It's a great way to build a good reputation for you and your business with customers, assurance schemes, banks, landlords or potential employers, and formally recognises your commitment to learning.

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Business Groups

Business Groups

Business Group Membership is a scheme offered by BASIS Dairy Pro to encourage businesses small and large to bring together and track the professional development of their workplace employees in one easily accessible location.

There are two types of Business Group Membership available to choose from.

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Event Organisers

Event Organiser

If you are providing training, courses or events, or the publisher of a journal, subscription magazine and/or newsletter, you can become a BASIS Dairy Pro Event Organiser. This means you can register and promote your events and activities through the scheme.

Accreditation of your course or publication is a simple, pain-free process carried out by our experts.

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The BASIS DairyPro Membership is essential for any professional looking to excel in the dairy industry. It allows you to develop your skills and knowledge continually, ensuring you stay at the forefront of the field. By maintaining a formal record of your training, you can easily showcase your competency and expertise. This not only strengthens your position but also demonstrates professional competence to employers, customers, assurance schemes, landlords, and banks.
David Cotton

Dairy Farmer, member of the BASIS DairyPro stakeholder group, keen supporter of the International Dairy Federation, ex Chair of the Royal Association of British